ONE OF the UK’s leading nurseries has unveiled a new concept in its 2018 promotional catalogue – the Taster Menu (August, 2017).
Wyevale Nurseries’ Taster Menu is a small range of plants, which have successfully been through the first phase of its new plants trial system, but haven’t yet gone into full scale production.
Adam Dunnett, Sales & Marketing Director at Wyevale Nurseries in Hereford, said: “With product innovation a top priority, we are keen to bring new plant introductions to our customers as quickly as possible and are able to do this with our new Taster Menu.
“We can offer retailers the chance to express an interest in these super new lines and trial them in their plant areas before they are available in commercial numbers. This is a great opportunity for our customers to be ahead of their competition and help us with feedback on product innovation.
“In our 2018 promotional catalogue, we are including eight varieties, which are only available in limited quantities. They have been through our first phase of commercial trials and we are confident they will make outstanding retail promotions.
“We would love our customers to sample them, so we are asking for people to register their interest with our sales team. Some of the tasters are available in quantities of fewer than 500.”
The plants in the Taster Menu include:
- Daphne odora ‘Sweet Amethyst’ – a sweet scented Daphne with clusters of amethyst
flowers and dark green leaves. Flowers in early spring. It’s suitable for sunny and shadey areas and requires minimum maintenance.
- Edgeworthia chrysantha ‘Winter Love’ – with highly fragrant blooms in early spring this variety has been selected because of its improved habit and superior performance.
- Phormium cookianum ‘Blondie’ – a new and very different dwarf Phormium with arching and slightly twisted cream and yellow leaves. The unique weeping habit makes this variety perfect for borders or containers.
- Helichrysum amorginum ‘Red Jewel’ – produces a mass of very deep red flowers, which are held on stout stems above lush silver foliage. A good grower, with less foliage issues than other Helichrysum.
- Hesperozygis ‘Midnight Mojito’ – this purple-lilac coloured flower will bloom between March and April and is suited to both containers and borders. It’s heavily mint scented foliage makes it attractive to both gardeners and wildlife.
- Trollius ‘Lemon Queen’ – lemon yellow double flowers on attractive cut foliage. Perfect for
planting in either sun or part shade.
- Disporum cantoniense ‘Moonlight’ – a new cultivar with eye catching evergreen foliage, which will give an illuminating effect to any shady garden. Graceful arching habit followed by clusters of tiny white flowers and as temperature cools in autumn the bright foliage evolves with an infusion of pink and purples.
- Rodgersia ‘Bronze Peacock’ – the darkest foliage of any Rogersia, this plant produces stunning pink flowers in spring against huge bronze leaves that fan like a peacock’s tail.
The product selection available from Wyevale Nurseries is enviable across the industry and the talented team regularly introduces new, award-winning plant varieties.
Its main business is to supply garden centres, landscape contractors, local authorities, foresters and landowners with a comprehensive array of trees, shrubs, hedging, herbaceous and specimen plants.
For further details about Wyevale Nurseries, which is based in Hereford, please call 01432 845 200, visit, follow the company on Twitter at or log on to