Taking place next week (February 17th, Wyboston Lakes, Bedfordshire), GIMA’s first Day Conference of 2022, focused on the forthcoming changes to the Extended Producer Responsibility Regulations (EPR), has just a few places remaining.
Interested parties who want to learn more about the EPR regulation changes that are set to come into effect in 2023, are being urged to secure one of the remaining places for this special one-day event.
The forthcoming EPR changes will see any businesses that turns over more than £1million,
or handles more than 25 tonnes of packaging annually, become responsible for the full cost of managing all packaging they place into the market. Anyone that meets these criteria will not want to miss out on attending as a selection of industry experts will come together to share further details regarding the potential changes that may follow once the government has concluded its consultation.
Speakers on the day will include Josh Remi, Commercial Manager at Ecoveritas; Tim Hayne, Head of Marketing at Wessex Packaging; and Valpak’s Commercial Accounts Manager, Lee Wearing. A panel debate will also take place, featuring experts and suppliers who have all already encountered challenges and/or developed products and strategies that will impact their fees under EPR.
Find out more
Open to both members and non-members, GIMA is urging interested parties to secure their places now, as space is limited. Tickets cost £60 per person for GIMA members (plus £30 for each additional delegate from the same organisation), and £120 per person for non-members (plus £60 for each additional delegate from the same organisation). A buffet lunch and refreshments will be available throughout the day and is included in the ticket price.

For further information regarding the forthcoming GIMA Extended Producer Responsibility Regulations Day Conference, please contact the GIMA team on (01959) 564947 or info@gima.org.uk